Comings-Goings-Transfers-Appointments (DOC)
Bill Hall Retirement Speech Video
Telecom '87 - Communications greatest show
New marine communications system
Informatics training in the ADMSM sector
Surrey monitoring site
Radio inspectors - Guardians of the airwaves
Michael Binder golfing
Hepburn: Perfecting the corporate recipe
Communications at the Economic Summit
Dept of Communications to turn 20
Ken Hepburn talks about past and future
Mission key to better communications
CARF honours Art Stark, VE3ZS
Inspector helps track down criminal
Services to Saint-Basile-Le-Grand
Department engineer honoured
Employee appointed to Standards Council
Department earns a piece of the sky
Radio inspector battles the elements
Communications Express
March 1988 - Mars 1988
May 1988 - Mai 1988
July 1988 - Juillet 1988
September 1988 - Septembre 1988
Special Edition October - Édition spéciale Octobre
November 1988 - Novembre 1988
December 1988 - Décembre 1988
Stanley Ribee
Bill Hall
Anthony (Tony) Fodero