June 1950

Trade Fair Showcases Radio Division



S. J. Ellis, superintendent of Radio, Toronto, points out a particular feature for the Minister during his visit to the department's exhibit at the Canadian International Trade Fair at Toronto. This view displays the Cathode Ray Direction finder, as the work models of the vessels move around the harbour, and attracted a lot of attention.


G C W. Brown, Controller of radio, shown, at left, introduced the Minister to all the staff assembled at the exhibit.




The Radio Division literally told the world about Canadian advances in the science of telecommunications and electronics last month at Canada's International Trade Fair which was held in Toronto.


S. J. Ellis, Superintendent Radio, Toronto, had under his urge, a magnificient exhibit which covered almost every phase of the operations of Radio at the Department of Transport.


Occupying some 600 square feet of space in the Coliseum, the display included such models as an airport scene with all the .xings for instrument landing complete with model aircraft swing in on the beam; moving ship models telling of CR DF capabilities in Radio Marine; radio station monitoring and spectrum scanning; equipment showing interference detection, and a host of other highly technical features of the Division. Claming day saw the Minister, the Hon. Lionel Chevrier, take a and in seeing to it that everything was in ship shape and congratulated those responsible for erecting the exhibit. G. C. W. Browne, Controller of Radio, was on hand and introduced the minister to the staff on hand.


Many feature demonstrations took place during the Fair, which lasted nine days, and perhaps the most outstanding was the audio-demonstration to the public of the instrument landing system on the arrival of the Prime Minister of Pakistan and his wife, the Begum, who were trans­ported on the Canadian tour by Department of Transport aircraft.


Piloted by G.T. "Scotty" Mclean, the aircraft bearing the Prime Minister, made contact with the "Radio Booth" at the Fair, some 30 miles out of Toronto, and the conversation between the pilot and the booth was amplified for the assembled crowd. The Prime Minister was welcomed to the Fair as the plane flew overhead by R. 11. Dayton, Trade Fair Administrator, and the Prime Minister replied over the two-way communication system and paid tribute to the facilities of the department.


As Scotty Mclean brought the aircraft in at Malton, he described the landing by ILS, this again being amplified for the visitors on hand at the exhibit, with the play-by-play description capably demonstrated on the model by J. R. Robertson, dis­trict controller of air services at Toronto.


Many important visitors took time out to look over the var­ious facilities on display at the booth, and on one occasion the Minister for Civil Aviation, Australia, the Hon. T.L White paid a visit and spent consider­able time, accompanied by Rt. Hon. F. M. Forde, Australian High Commissioner.




A laddie who can kick the spectrum around, dissect the ozone, and also a "Smithy". A regular workhorse for the display at the Trade Fair.... answered at least 1000 questions daily from Trade Fair visitors.


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