1955 Key Telecom Staff Meet in Ottawa
Standing W. Johnson (Edmonton) - W.L.Nelson (Moncton) - C. Flick (Toronto) W. J. Thomas (Montreal) - F.C.Rayner (Winnipeg) - ???tensen (Vancouver) Seated George Wells (Tel. Ottawa) - Dennis Wood (Personnel Training and Welfare) The District Operations Supervisors from each Air Services District were welcomed recently to Ottawa by the Controller of Telecommunications, Mr. Nixon. A series of interesting discussions under the guidance of Earle Porter and his staff helped them to become familiar with the operations in each District and gave Headquarters staff an opportunity to review the overall operating requirements and procedures for aviation and marine radio facilities.
The group also participated in numerous discussions devoted to administrative subjects directly associated with their field operations. The technical team was led by George Wells, Bill Baker and Earl English and the administrative team was headed by Dennis Wood, Cal Darns and Darrell DeBow. This first general meeting of District Operations Supervisors was highly successful and will contribute to a more efficient Telecommunications Service.
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