Food Collection for the Ottawa Food Bank

Up and down: Director Bob Jones was balanced against food three times

Rise to the challenge


Maybe they should be balancing the national budget.


Federal employees in the Radio Regulatory Branch of the Department of Communications used 645 pounds of food to lift their director general off the ground three times. The group collected the food for the Ottawa Food Bank.


Using a three-metre-long homemade seesaw, the group lifted Bob Jones, who was at one end of the seesaw, by piling food into two boxes on the other end. They were able to fill the boxes three times.


The branch has now issued a challenge to the 23 other branches within the department to match or better the amounts. The Radio Regulatory Branch encourages others to try a similar food fundraiser in their workplace.


The Ottawa Citizen

February 10, 1992

 Source: Mike Connolly

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