Tuesday, May 14, 1907
Wireless System for C.P.R. Vessels
Princess May and Princess Royal Will Have
Marconi Instruments
Government to Erect Stations.
The steamer President, of the Pacific Steam ship
company, will soon lose the distinction of being
the only vessel on this coast that is fitted with a
wireless telegraph apparatus.. Information was
received in the city last night that the C.P.R. would install the Marconi wireless system on the
steamers Princess May and the Princess Royal
Concurrently with the installation of the
wireless apparatus the Dominion government will
erect stations along the coast line. With these the
two steamers will be able to keep in touch
constantly. One of these stations will be erected
at Cape Lazo and by this means telegraphic
communication can be had with Victoria through
Other stations will be installed at Bamfield,
Prince Rupert and points along the coast line.
The north end of the Island will also be placed in
touch with the other stations and the system
which it is determined will be of as embracing a
character as possible will practically connect up
the entire British Columbia seaboard.
Some time ago the United States government
announced that in a short time wireless stations
would be installed at Alaska. When these are in
position, and those installed by the Dominion
government, the two countries will doubtless
work hand in hand for the dissemination of news.
The Pacific Steamship Company intends to equip
its entire fleet with the apparatus, and to work in
conjunction with the vessels. Stations will be established along the American Pacific coast.
Thus the entire Pacific coast from Northern
Alaska to Mexico will be equipped with the
Marconi system and it is impossible to overrate
the advantages which the system must confer.
News of disasters both on land and sea will
come to hand much more rapidly than they do at
present. It will mean that aid can be sent to ship
wrecked vessels in a shorter space of time. It also
means that the time of vessels arriving at the
various ports can be gauged to within a few
minutes. It will mean a quickening up of
commercial methods along the sea board.
Personal messages can also be transmitted from
the shore to the various vessels fitted with the
This morning Captain Troup stated that the
Princess May and the Princess Royal would be
fitted with the apparatus at once. The instrument
will come through to the coast from the East of
the Dominion and will be fitted here. The
Princess royal will be fully equipped before she
leaves Esquimalt. Work on this vessel is now
proceeding rapidly and it is expected that she will
be placed in commission before the end of June.
The Princess May is now on the northern run and
will be joined by the Princess Royal during the
summer. The latter vessel, it is understood will
ply between Vancouver and Skagway.
Captain Troup stated that the installation of the
system on this coast is in large measure due to the
representations made the Hon. William
Templeman, the member for Victoria, to the
government at Ottawa.
June 22, 1907
C. Doutre
Leaving For The West Coast
Visit to Whaling Station at
in View of
Station There
Saturday the steamer Quadra with Cecil Doutre,
superintendent of wireless stations for the
Dominion government and Captain Gaudin, who
is in charge of the local office of the marine and
fisheries department, on board left port on her
way up the West Coast of Vancouver Island. Mr.
Doutre is going to Pachena Point and
Point to inspect the sites where the wireless
stations of the Dominion government will be
The steamer Maude recently, with a cargo of
lumber and workmen, left for the West Coast, and
shortly after her arrival at Estevan and
the construction work will commence. It is likely
that on the present trip of the Quadra she will
make a call at the new whaling station at Kyuquot
Sound. Some time ago Captain Balcom, the
manager of the pacific Whaling Company, made
representations to Mr. Doutre, asking him would
it be possible for the government to establish a
station at Narrow Cut Inlet. As a result of these
representations Mr. Doutre will pay a visit to
Kyuquot and will make his report to the
Dominion government on his return to Ottawa.
The Pacific Whaling Company is forwarding an
application in Ottawa for the establishment of a
station at Kyuquot.
In putting forward its plea for a wireless
station at Kyuquot the whaling company points
out that the steam whaler St. Lawrence would
immediately on receipt of a wireless message be
able to go to the succour of any vessel which was
in distress. It is pointed out that already the steam
whaler Orion has salved two vessels when in
distress off the West Coast. These were the
barques St. James and the Inveramsay, which
were drifting perilously near the shore when they
were towed to sea by the Orion. It is contended that the establishment of wireless telegraphy at
Kyuquot would greatly lessen the danger in life
from shipwreck, and as these features have been
pointed out to Mr. Doutre he is going to inspect
the site and will report his findings to the
Dominion government.
When Mr. Doutre was asked if
the present visit
of Mr. Marconi to Canada had anything to do with
the wireless war which originated with the
decision of the government to establish
Shoemaker stations on the Pacific Coast, he said
that he though there was no connection between
the two events. “I see,” he stated, “that Mr.
Marconi has said that he will be able to establish
trans-Atlantic communication between the
stations at Glace Bay and the station in the Old
Country at Poldhu Bay, or the new station at
Clifton. It is impossible for me to say if his
efforts will be crowned with success. The
Marconi company has never taken the public into
its confidence with respect to its operations from
Glace Bay. Although I do not know how far the
Marconi company has arrived towards it goal, it is
only a question of time before there is trans-Atlantic communication.”
Questioned as to the statement made recently by
Marconi when he said that he anticipated
establishing communication between Cape Breton
and Vancouver, Mr. Doutre said, “that having
regard to the present development of wireless
telegraphy, there was nothing to indicate that such
a feat was possible.”
Work has already commenced in connection
with the Victoria wireless station, to be situated at
Shotbolt’s Hill. The civic authorities are now
engaged in laying water pipes from the terminus
of the system to the road leading to the property.
The work of carrying the water from that road to the actual site where the
wireless station will be situated will be performed by the government. The
wireless equipment for all the stations on the Pacific Coast is now on its way
from the East and is expected to arrive any day. This week the construction work
will have commenced at Cape Lazo, Pachena Point, Estevan and
Shotbolt’s Hill, and shortly afterwards at
Point Gray. By the end
of September the stations will be in operation.
June 28, 1907
Victoria City Will Have One and Others Are to
Be Located
as Aids to Navigation on Pacific
The wireless telegraph system on this coast is to
be installed at once. It will be as aids to
navigation that these stations will be fitted up and
the acting minister of marine and fisheries, Hon.
W. Templeman, has given instructions to have the
work carried out just as quickly as it can be done.
Cecil Doutre, commissioner of wireless
telegraphy and superintendent of wireless stations
for the Dominion government, is at present in
Victoria in connection with this work. He will
have workmen engaged on the work of installing
the plants within a day or two, and as quickly as
the work can be done stations along the southern
part of the British Columbia coast will be
established. Within six weeks the first of the new
wireless stations will be in running order. These
will be at Victoria and Pachena Point, on the west
coast of Vancouver Island. The others decided
upon will be put into order with all expedition
There are five now decided upon all along the
southern portion of the British Columbia coast..
In addition to Victoria and Pachena Point, above
mentioned, there will be a station at Vancouver,
located either at Point Grey or
Stanley Park,
another will be at Estevan Point, on the west coast
of Vancouver Island, and one at Cape Lazo, on the
east coast of the Island, opposite Texada Island.
This will but be the beginning of this system of
aids to navigation which the government has
decided to extend to this coast. Later the system
will be extended by the erection of additional wireless stations all along the coast as far as
Prince Rupert. Within a year probably the
continuous chain of stations may be build along
the entire British Columbia coast.
The policy of the government, Mr. Doutre says,
is to establish a number of smaller stations at
frequent intervals rather than locate a few large
ones. The reason of this is obvious when it is
remembered that the stations are primarily for the
benefit of the shipping interests, and by the
location of a greater number, constant
communication may be kept up with the coasting
steamers, which equip themselves with wireless.
The introduction of the system on the coast will
result in the rapid introduction of the apparatus on
the different steamers on the coast to enable
communication to be kept up. Already the C. P.
R. has decided to equip the Princess May and the
princess Royal with the necessary apparatus.
The different stations will be fitted up in a
substantial way. There will be a residence of two
storeys for the chief operator and his family, and
accommodation also for two additional operators.
This will provide for a continuous service at the
stations. Where lighthouses are located the
wireless will be installed in the same building.
This will be the case at Pachena Point. At
Estevan Point, where no lighthouse yet is built,
the lighthouse section being installed in the
wireless building.
The system to be installed is the Shoemaker,
which is regarded as the best by Mr. Doutre, who
made a study of the various systems on behalf of
the government before a decision was reached.
The Shoemaker has the advantage that it is
capable of interchanging with the De Forrest, the
Stone, the Marconi and the Massie systems. A
long wave is used in connection with it, so that
the messages will carry about 200 to 250 miles to
sea. It is hoped that Pachena may be able to
communicate directly with Victoria by wireless.
The distance separating the two points is not
sufficient to establish any difficulty, but Mr. Doutre says some obstacle may be found from
the fact of the high elevations which separate
them. This will be a matter for experimenting before it can be said definitely that the messages
can be exchanged directly. In any event
communication can be carried on, using Tatoosh
on the American side as a connecting point.
There will be two engineers located on the coast
in connection with the work, one will be at
Victoria, and one at Vancouver.
The installing of these stations will make a new
departure in connection with wireless. The
station will be government owned and
government operated. Of the stations in the East
there are many of which are owned by the
government, but are operated under contract with
the Marconi company.
There are on the eastern coast the following
stations; Father Point, Heath Point,
Cape Bear, P. E. I., Pictou, N. S.,
Whittle Rocks
and Armour Point, Labrador, Belle Isle, Point
Rich, Point Ray and Point Race, Newfoundland;
Sydney, C. B.; Cape Sable, N. S., St. John’s, N.
B.; and the public works station at Quebec and
Goose Island. At Halifax and
Sable Island are
Marconi stations.
Mr. Doutre may need to leave for the East
before all are installed. If he does he will return
about September.
The stations will be equipped with three horse
power gasoline engines and a 1 K. W. 60 cycle
alternator. There will be a 180 foot mast. The
steel rigging has already been ordered and is on
the way to the coast.
July 2, 1907
Will Be First British Vessel on Coast With Device—CPR Awaits Developments.
This morning the work of installing the wireless
system of telegraphy on the steamer Camosun of
the Union Steamship company was commenced
as the vessel rests on the ways of the Victoria
Machinery Depot. The Camosun will be the first
British vessel on the Pacific Coast to have the
wireless installed. At present the only other
commercial vessel along this coast line which has
the wireless system is the steamer President of the
pacific Steamship Company.
The Marconi system will be the on in use on the
Camosun. The installation is practically
coincident with the selection by the Dominion
government of the various sites along the coast of
the province for wireless stations. Work upon
three sites will commence this week and in the
course of about two or three months time a
number of them will be in operation. The
installation on board the Camosun will only take a
few days and when she leaves the ways of the
Victoria Machinery Depot she will be ready to
play her part in the new system of communication
along the seaboard.
A certain doubt exists at present as to whether
the Marconi company will permit the Camosun
with its apparatus on board to communicate with
the Shoemaker stations. Up to the present time
the Marconi company will not allow any of its
stations in any part of the world to communicate
with a system other than its own. This is the case
at the Atlantic stations of the Dominion
government which are all the Marconi system,
and which will only communicate with vessels
fitted with the Marconi wireless.
In this respect also the CPR company is
awaiting developments. As before announced, this company has decided to place the system on
its coasting vessels, the Princess May and
Princess Royal. This decision was arrived at
some months ago, but as yet no move has been
made in the matter. The CPR had intended to
install Marconi wireless but is now awaiting the
decision of the Marconi company with respect to
intercommunication before it proceeds with the
work on its vessels. Should the Marconi follow
the course which at present adopts, the CPR will
place another system, possibly the Shoemaker, on
its vessels.
With respect to the vessels of the Empress type
which carry the mails from Vancouver to the
Orient, nothing has been definitely announced. It
is certain, however, that in the very near future the
white liners will have a system in use and it will
be possible to ascertain their movements many
hours before they sight land.
The system of wireless which will be installed
along the coast by the Dominion government is
the Shoemaker. This possesses the advantage of
being able to communicate with any other system. The Marconi company is said
to have applied for permission to erect a number
of wireless land stations on the Pacific coast of
The work on the Camosun is in charge of B. S.
Y. G. Clifton, an engineer who works for the
Marconi Wireless Company. During the vessel's
recent trip south the plant was taken on board at
Vancouver and Mr. Clifton has arrived in the city
and is now superintending the work.
On board the Camosun the power required for
sending the messages will be stored in batteries
charged from the vessel's electric plant. The
message will be received and transmitted from
wires strung from the masthead. Although it is
stated tat the Camosun's plant will not be a very
powerful one, as her run is for the most part
inland, yet communication can be maintained at a
distance of 600 miles. When the system is in
working order the Marconi company will keep an
operator on board the vessel.
The linking up of the entire seaboard by a
system of wireless will have a far reaching effect
in case of wrecks. News of disaster can be
projected from point to point and salving vessels
can hasten to the scene. The installation of the
system along this coast will in all probability
greatly reduce the loss of life as well as
facilitating commercial negotiations and
ameliorating shipping conditions to a large extent.
July 4, 1907
Dominion Government Commissioner Will Rush Work as Quickly as Possible
Cecil Doutre, commissioner of wireless
telegraphy and superintendent of wireless staions
for the Dominion, who is now on the Pacific
Coast establishing stations, says that the only
delay which he is meeting with arises from the
inability to get the work done owing to the
difficulty in obtaining labour.
The Shoemaker system, manufactured by the
International Wireless Company, is to be installed.
That has been decided upon definitely some time
ago after the fullest consideration. As far as the
government is concerned it is denied that there is
any breaking of contracts with the Marconi
company. The government is not bound to use
that system, and have adopted for the Pacific
Coast the system which it is felt will serve the
purposes intended better than any other.
The stations which the government are
establishing are to be aids to navigation. It is
essential that a system should be adopted which is
able to communicate with vessels which carry
different equipments. The Marconi company
refuses to interchange messages with another
systems, a serious drawback when used as aids to
navigation. The Shoemaker system, in addition to other excellencies which it possess, permits the
interchanging with all other systems provided
other companies do not object.
The Marconi company is the only one which
refuses to interchange messages. The fact that the
government has seen fit to adopt the Shoemaker
as the one to be installed by them would indicate
that it has special features which make it superior
to others for the purposes intended.
The stations on this coast will be erected just as
quickly as the work can be done. In a few weeks
some of them will be working. The site for the
Victoria station will be finally decided upon,
probably to-day. It is quite possible it may be
located at Shotbolt's Hill.
Capt. Troup says he knows of no hitch in
connection with the installation of the wireless
system on the CPR steamers. He says the work of
installation will not begin at once.
If the Marconi company will not interchange
with the Dominion government Shoemaker system which is to be installed on this coast,
the CPR will then have another system put on its
steamers which will permit communications with
the government stations.
July 5, 1907
C.P.R. Vessels Will Equip With System Which Can Communicate With Government
This morning Cecil Doutre, superintendent of
wireless stations for the Dominion government,
left Victoria on his way to Nanaimo. From there
he will go to Comox and investigate the
conditions in the neighborhood of Cape Lazo, where it will be remembered a wireless station
will be erected.
Yesterday Mr. Doutre was engaged in making
investigations about Victoria and among other
places he visited was Shotbolt's Hill. Although he
has not yet definitely announced that the Victoria
station will be situated there, it is highly probable
that this will be the site.
There are at present on the coast a number of
Marconi agents who are in communication with
the various steamship companies with a view of
placing the Marconi wireless on the vessels. As
before stated in the Times, the Marconi company
does not allow intercommunication with other
systems and with the exception of the Camosun,
which is now being installed with Marconi, it is
very unlikely that any other vessel will be
equipped with the system on this seaboard.
The system is being installed more for the
purpose of guarding against shipwrecks and
ameliorating the conditions in case of disasters
than from a commercial point of view. On this
account, therefore, it is highly desirable that every
vessel on the coast should be able to communicate
with the government stations equipped with the
Shoemaker system.
In this respect the CPR is awaiting
developments. Although no contract had been
entered into, the railway company had intended to
install the Marconi system. The fact of the
government deciding upon the Shoemaker system
has however altered the plans of the CPR which is
now awaiting such time as some definite
pronouncement will be made by the Marconi
company with respect to intercommunication. As
Capt. Troup stated yesterday there is no hitch in
the plans of the company, and he has not been
informed of any change with respect to the
installation of the wireless.
The present attitude of the Marconi company is
by no means new, nor is it the first occasion upon
which friction has been forthcoming. All over the
world, wherever wireless is, the same difficulties
prevail. Marconi will not allow his company to communicate with any other than its own system
and this fact has given rise to no small
inconvenience in the commercial world. The
Marconi company has held out hope that these
restrictions will be obliterated next year in the
month of July, but in the meantime complaints
continue to crop up. The Dominion government
has decided that on this coast line the system
which shall be established will be of an
interchangeable character, and it will insure that
no contretemps such as have been evidenced on
the Atlantic coast can possibly arise. Pursuant on
this decision the CPR has decided that whatever
system is place on its vessel must be able to
communicate with the government stations along
the coast.
July 8, 1907
Will Command Unobstructed Way to Vancouver and Also Along Northern Course.
Cecil Doutre, commissioner of wireless
telegraphy under the Dominion government, has
returned to the city after making a selection of a
site for the new station near Comox. It will be on
Cape Lazo, where an acre and a half of land has
been bought. The location is admirable for the
purpose, Mr. Doutre says. The land is about 110
or 120 feet above sea level and commands an
unobstructed sweep of the waters to the north and
again to the south as far as Vancouver.
Mr. Doutre says that the station will have no
difficulty in getting into communication with a
vessel carrying wireless apparatus six or seven
hours before the Cape is passed. Direct
communication with Vancouver will be had when
the station is established there and then with Victoria, so that the vessels may be reported many
hours ahead of their arrival.
Mr. Doutre will not give his attention to the
selection of a site in this city for the local station.
He has not made a final choice yet, having
different sites to choose from.
July 10, 1907
Hon. W. Templeman Denies That Any Contract Rights Are Being Violated
(Special to the Times)
Ottawa July 10. Hon. W. Templeman, acting
minister of marine, denies the charge by the
Marconi Company that the contract rights of the
company with the government are being violated
or infringed.
The company claim that their contract made with
the government in 1902 gives them a monopoly
of the wireless business in Canada to the
exclusion of all other wireless systems. The
government will not admit such a sweeping
monopoly. The dispute has been brought to a
head by the installation on the Pacific of wireless
stations by the government. The avowed
intention of the government is to operate these
stations itself. The Marconi Company contend
that they should have been given the right to erect
and equip these stations and operate them for all
time to come the same as the Atlantic stations.
The other action of the government of which the
Marconi Company complain is the issuing of
licenses without which no ship or station can do
commercial wireless business in Canada. The
license specifies that the ship or company which
receives it shall exchange business with any other wireless company which offers it to them.
Recently the Marconi Company arranged to
equip three CPR steamers on the Pacific coast
with wireless apparatus and applied for licenses to
operate them. These were the first licenses for
wireless issued after the government had decided
upon the licensing system. After receiving the
license the company claimed that its rights were
infringed and declined to pay the license fee.
They object to the provision that there shall be an
exchange of business with any other company.
The government believes that it is within its rights
under contract and that its action is in the public
July 11, 1907
Sixth Site Will Be Chosen at
Cape Scott
When Others Are Built
The site of the second wireless station to be
established by the dominion government on the
coast of British Columbia was selected yesterday
and will be situated at Point Gray, near
Vancouver. The wireless plant for the first station
at Cape Lazo has arrived in the city and will be
forwarded today and the construction work will
commence immediately.
For the site of the Victoria station, the acreage
has not yet been finally decided upon. The deal
will in all probability be closed to-day and the
erection of the Victoria station proceeded with at
This morning Cecil Doutre, the government
wireless superintendent, returned from Vancouver
after selecting the site for the Point Gray station.
On Sunday night he will proceed up the west coast of the Island on the steamer Tees for the
purpose of locating the exact site of the station at Estevan Point. The second station of the west
coast of the Island will be at Pachena Point and
will be attached to the lighthouse there.
The Pacific Whaling company has approached
Mr. Doutre with a view to having a station placed
at Kyuquot Sound, and in order to discuss this
matter, Mr. Doutre will interview Captain Balcom
within the next few days. The nearest station to
the Kyuquot Sound whaling grounds will be
Estevan Point. When the present five stations are
established the government has in contemplation
the selection of a site at Cape Scott and as the
Kyuquot Sound whaling station lies nearly half
way between Cape Scott and Estevan Point it is
probable that a small station will be installed near
the Pacific Whaling company's factory. To work
in conjunction with this it is anticipated that the
whaling company will install the system on its
steamer St. Lawrence and also on the Orion so
that the event of ship wreck either of the vessels
can be signaled to proceed to any disaster that
may eventuate.
Alluding to what has become known as the
Marconi Company's claim to monopoly in the
Dominion of Canada, Mr. Doutre says that the
contract rights of the company with the
government have been in no manner infringed.
“If they are of that opinion,” he says, “the courts
are open to them. All over the world difficulties
have been and are being experienced owing to the
fact that the Marconi company will no allow its
system to intercommunicate. The Shoemaker
system will communicate with any other. The
government intends to operate these stations itself
as it is of the opinion that both from a commercial
and a life saving standpoint, monopoly in a
wireless system is both dangerous and
No pronouncement as to the intentions of the
CPR in respect to its vessels on this coast has
been made beyond the fact that three of the
vessels will be equipped with the apparatus and
with an apparatus which will communicate with
the government stations.
July 12, 1907
The steamer Cascade under charter to the
marine and fisheries department, was engaged this
morning in loading with a cargo of cement and
wireless apparatus. She is leaving this afternoon
for the East coast, her immediate objective being
the Sisters lighthouse where she will land
supplies. She will then proceed to Cape Lazo,
when the apparatus for the construction of a
wireless station will be discharged.
The men to
be engaged in the construction work will take
passage on the steamer and the labour of erection
will commence at once. The receiving mast at the
Cape Lazo station will be 180 feet in height and it
is expected that this will be erected on a bluff
over 120 feet above the sea level. It will be able
to communicate at a distance of 250 miles.
July 19, 1907
Steamer Maude Taking Supplies Tomorrow
Cecil Doutre
Will Leave by the Quadra
Yet another link in the chain of lighthouses
which the dominion government is establishing
on the West Coast of Vancouver Island will be
commenced when the steamer Maude leaves port
tomorrow and reaches Estevan Point. Today the
vessel is loading with a cargo of lumber for
construction work for the new government station
to be erected at Estevan Point.
On the arrival of the vessel a trolley roadway will be built from the landing to the site of the
lighthouse which was chosen some time ago.
This will be four miles in length and by means of
it the material for building purposes will be
conveyed to the site. When the trolley roadway is
constructed a dwelling house will be run up at
Estevan point. The wireless apparatus will then
be installed there, as it will be remembered it is
also one of the wireless sites chosen by Cecil Doutre
for a government station. Within the
course of a short time a fog alarm will be
installed, but it is not expect that the light tower
will be build during the present year.
Tomorrow the steamer Quadra will make a
special trip to Estevan Point with Mr. Doutre,
superintendent of wireless stations of the
Dominion government, and he will inspect the
site on which the Shoemaker system of telegraphy
will be installed. The Quadra will also call at Pachena Point where another wireless station is to
be erected.
The site chosen for the new lighthouse at
Estevan Point is an eminently suitable one. The
surrounding coast line is of an extremely rocky
character. Not eighteen miles form the site of the
new lighthouse the sailing ship King David when
to her destruction a little over two years ago. The
King David was a vessel of 2070 tones register,
bound from the Salina Cruz to port Townsend.
Early in December 1905, she was driven towards
the shores of Vancouver Island and to save herself
from shipwreck she dropped her anchors in the
vicinity of Bajo Point. A boat’s crew with and
officer and six men on board was dispatched to
Cape Beale, which it was presumed was the
nearest point of communication, to ascertain the
bearings of the vessel. The boat was never heard
of again, and it presumed to have been lost with
all on board.
After waiting in vain, the King
David hauled up her anchors and endeavoured to
make for the open sea. A wind was blowing on
shore at the time, and she was driven on the reefs
at Bajo Point and totally wrecked. The captain
and crew managed to scramble ashore to safety.
It is interesting to note that the village of Nootka
was only nine miles distant from the scene of the
wreck, but the captain and those on board the King David were totally unaware of its existence.
The above forcibly illustrates the need of a
lighthouse in that vicinity, and the action of the
Dominion government, which is about to
establish one, cannot be too highly commended.
Before many years have passed the entire West
Coast will have a chain of lighthouses and the
danger of shipwreck will be ameliorated to no
small degree.
October 17, 1907
“In the Matter of Dispatch We Fear No Competitor,” Says Marconi.
Sydney, Oct 17. The system of trans-Atlantic
wireless telegraphy was, after numerous
experiments, opened to the public today. The
communication runs from Glace By to Clifden, in
Ireland. The rate for messages is five pence per
word and nearly forty words are being sent each
With the opening of the Atlantic wireless
service to-day the question which is agitating the
different cable companies which run across the
Atlantic is, “Will the trans-Atlantic service be
cheaper and quicker than the cable?”
The time from New York to London by
wireless, via Nova Scotia, is estimated at eleven
minutes for a message of twenty words. This
time might be further reduced according to the
condition of the connecting land wires. The
transmission through the air is said to be almost
instantaneous. This can be gathered from the fact
that a message can be flashed from New York to
London in 15 seconds.
Mr. Marconi said in a
recent interview at Sydney, “In the matter of
dispatch we need fear no competition.”
The present trans-Atlantic cable rate is one shilling a word. Marconi in his system which is
being inaugurated today is only charging five
pence, or less than one half. Since the reports
went out that Marconi had made a success of the
trans-Atlantic system the different cable
companies have been considering the reduction of
their rates, and in a dispatch received here to-day
it is stated that they will reduce them by one half.
The rate, therefore, if this dispatch which comes
from London is correct, would mean that sixpence
a word will be charged in the future, or one penny
more than Marconi is charging.
There are at present 16 cable lines across the
Atlantic, operated as follows: Anglo-American
Company, 4 cables; Commercial Cable, 5;
Western Union, 2; Direct United States, 1; French
Company (Brest), 2; and the German Company
(Enden, North German Company), 2.
If the Marconi system proves a success, as its
inventor has every hope it will, it will thus make a
seventeenth system. He will, therefore, probably
get about one-seventeenth of the business.
speed of the Marconi system will in some
measure be nullified, as marconigrams will have
to be transferred on the English side to the post
office lines, where the cable companies have
independent wires.
At present all the cables together sent 24,000
words an hour. In two hours they can cable an
ordinary novel. The best of the cables sends 100
words a minute. If wireless can beat this and at
the same time be accurate, it will prove a
marvelous trans-ocean system.
Marconi's view of the affair, however, is of the
most optimistic character. He considers that his
system is not limited like the cable. In the latter
when it wants to double its capacity it must
increase he diameter of its cable in proportion. In
short, every cable now operating has a definite
and limited capacity. In the wireless there is said
to be no such restrictions. Marconi says that the
first he will send 35 words a minute, but with the
same apparatus he can increase the speed to three
or four times that amount, and he considers that in
a short time the service between Cape Breton and Clifden alone will be able to handle at least half
as much business as all the cable companies
combined. It is further pointed out by the
wireless wizard that one limited cable system cost
$5,000,000 whereas a wireless system, practically
unlimited, costs only $500,000.
The outcome of what is expected to prove a
wireless cable war is awaited with interest not
alone on this continent, but also in the Old Land.
November 15, 1907
Superintendent Doutre Has Returned to Coast
Will Soon Have Circuit
in Operation
The San Francisco steamer Governor was
somewhere within speaking distance by wireless
this forenoon. This was ascertained at the
Dominion government station at Shotbolt's hill,
where Cecil Doutre, the superintended of the
Dominion wireless service, was testing the
apparatus installed.
Mr. Doutre arrived from the east last night. He
will leave either to-night or tomorrow for
Vancouver to superintend the installation of the
plant at that place. This will be completed in a
few days and communication will then be
possible between Victoria and Vancouver.
Mr. Doutre reports that at Pachena the station is
built and a crew is at work installing the plant. At
Lazo the building is finished and the plant is on
hand. Workmen will be sent to install the plant in
a short time.
All will be in working order at the chain of
stations before the new year.
Mr. Doutre was testing the plant at the local
office this forenoon and was able to pick up the various stations at
Port Townsend and elsewhere
on the coast. The steamer Governor also was
located, although no attempt was made to
exchange messages.
November 29, 1907
Victoria Office Was in Communication With the U. S. Battleship Nebraska Last
The two Dominion government wireless
stations at Shotbolt's Hill, Victoria, and
Grey, near Vancouver, are now in full working
order and in constant communication. The local
office, under the charge of E. J. Haughton, is
constantly in touch with other stations along the
coast on the United States side of the line, and
with the different vessels carrying wireless
apparatus on this coast. As an instance of what
the station is capable of doing, it is interesting to
know that the local operator this morning heard
from Mare Island station, off San Francisco.
Communication was in progress between that
station and the United States battleship Nebraska,
and while no interchange of signals was carried
on with the local station, the Mare Island station
was heard.
Other points along the Californian coast have
also been heard here.
Cecil Doutre, superintendent of the Dominion
wireless service arrived in the city last evening
from Vancouver, where he has been
superintending the work on the Point Grey
station. He is highly delighted with the success
attending the two stations now equipped, and says
that they even excel his expectations. Mr. Morse,
an expert in the wireless system, will remain at
Point Grey. Mr. Haughton, he says, has made
splendid progress at the the local station, and is
doing good work.
The topography of the country on this coast
with the prevalence of high hills and mountains
led Mr. Doutre to suspect that some little trouble
might be encountered. This has not proved to be
the case, however, and the system is working
admirably. Pachena, with a clear way out to sea,
should be able to communicate with vessels for
hundred miles or more off the coast.
Last evening the United States battleship
Nebraska, which is undergoing a test was in
communication with the local wireless from time
to time. The Nebraska was cruising in the straits
of Juan de Fuca, and the crew asked for the latest
news as to football matches, which Mr. Haughton
was able to give them. Communication was kept
up at intervals for several hours last night.
Communication by a land wire has to be
established between Point Grey and Vancouver, and there will be a land wire
between Shotbolt's Hill and the city of Victoria, which will
facilitate matters.
Mr. Doutre expects to return to the East before
long. He will leave Mr. Hughes in charge of the
operators who will be trained for the remaining
stations on the coast.
December 14, 1907
All on B. C. Coast Line Will be in Operation Early Next Month.
Good progress is being made on the three
Dominion government wireless stations at
Estevan Point, and
Cape Lazo, which
are soon to be put into operation in conjunction
with Gonzales Hill and
Point Grey stations which
are now working.
Cecil Doutre, superintendent of the Dominion
government wireless system, left for the east last night, having been called away on government
business. Mr. Doutre, just before leaving,
stated that the trio of stations would be
rushed to completion during his absence and
would be in operation early next year when he
would return to Victoria.
At Cape Lazo the apparatus is installed and the
erection of the mast is all that is left to do. At
Estevan Point electricians have been taken from
Pachena to complete the work.
Pachena Bay
station is complete and is awaiting the arrival of
the operator.
December 28, 1907
West Coast Point
Gonzales Hill
are Now in Direct Touch
The first messages to be exchanged between the
Dominion government wireless stations at
Pachena Point and
Gonzales Hill, Victoria, were
those expressing the congratulations of the
respective operators this morning when
communication was established.
Contrary to reports no difficulty was
experienced in transmitting messages between the
two stations once the instruments were adjusted
and the first message received by Supt. Haughton,
of the local station today was:
“Pachena wireless
station to Gonzales Hill wireless station,
December 28.
Congratulations. You come
splendidly. Notwithstanding the opinion of the
experts we can penetrate mountains.” |
The stations at Cape Lazo and Estevan Point
will, it is anticipated, be in communication with
three stations already in operation, within a
couple of weeks at the outside.
December 14, 1907
Communication Was Established Last Night from
Gonzales Hill
with Steamer Portland.
Supt. Haughton, of the Dominion government
wireless station at Gonzales Hill, last night
received the first message from the Alaska
Steamship Company's northern liner, Portland, at
7:30 last night, when that vessel reported that she
was off Cape Mudge awaiting a favorable tide to
get through Seymour's Narrows.
The Portland is the first vessel on the Skagway
and Alaska route which has been equipped with
wireless apparatus and the Alaska Steamship
Company has received many congratulations for
taking the pioneer part in this respect. The
Portland will call at places like Katalla, Valdez
and La Touche, out of the way points which have
no communication, except by way of calling
vessels, with other places. The Portland will,
while at these places, maintain communication
with all the stations along the coast which, in
itself, will prove a boon and a blessing to the
The establishment of communication with the
Portland off Cape Mudge, affords another proof
of what wireless is capable of. The space
between the two points is almost altogether
overland. As Cape Mudge is far beyond Cape Lazo, it is expected that no trouble will be found
in establishing communication between Victoria
and Cape Lazo direct.