James Jarvie





I also was looking for Sam McQuarter who was an RI back when George Hoshal was the Supervisor of Interference/enforcement at TDO. I did not find George either so I guess there a few guys from back in the 60's that drifted off. I was also looking for Jimmy Jarvie who was the main Amateur RI.


All these fellows were a part of Vic Decloux's crew at the DO.


I remember that Sam said he was going to write a book about George Hoshal (aka the Col.) and title it "A Day  in the Life of Inspector Hoshal or Abort with Mort".


I must admit looking at all these names it sure does bring back memories of the crew at Toronto District back in those days. I will have to see if I can dig some info up on Sam, George and Jimmy.


John Nosotti

8 April 2020

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